His Needs: Marriage, Wife, Family.
My Needs: Marriage, Husband, Father.
A marriage MUST be built on more concrete compatibility than needs alone.

It has taken me three years to come to the conclusion that it isnt me theyre in love with. It is the idea of the entire package I bring to the table that could potentially fill their needs: Family.
It is appreciated when men understand that single/solo parents are not dating for a free dinner out. Our time is valuable because we dont have a lot of it to dispose frivolously. We are not only shopping mates to help us raise our kids and complete the traditional picture of what a family looks like, but attempting to find someone to share life with and grow old with as a best friend and lover.
Instead of coming to the table with "baggage" as so often our society fools us to believe, we come to the table with very precious packages- the hearts of our children.
For some men, this is all they have ever wanted was to be a husband and a dad- to have a family. What a gift to find a man with this desire!
They may want to rescue us from the hardships of being a single/solo parent, and give to the child/children that father figure they are missing. This is a noble quality when earned!
Here are some things to think about when dating:
- Honestly consider why your attracted to him: If it is because he would make a good dad, has a good job, and wants to get married- what will sustain your marriage, your relationship with each other, after the vows are said and the novelty has worn off. Do you really have anything in common? Where do you connect?
- Beware of the relationship that moves too fast: Although I am sure that your charmingly sweet- If he is attached before a real connection has been made, it is entirely possible he is in love with the idea of what you represent and not you. As a single/solo mom you represent an instant family, security, acceptance, love, and stability. Who wouldnt want that? Being in love with the idea of what you bring to the table is not the same as being in love with you and the amazing person you are.
- Do not move too fast physically. This tends to cloud the judgement of women and doesnt allow for accurate discernment in these areas. Lust and Love are easily confused.
- Dont be afraid to say: This isnt working for me. If he is upset- it isnt because he is upset he is loosing you after a couple dates out... he is upset that his premature dreams of having an instant (and unearned) family has been lost. The earlier you know and tell him, the easier it will be.
- He should want to earn his role in your family. This isnt a consolation prize given out to the first man that pops the question without merit. A real man will honor your time with your children knowing he is not a priority in your busy life. He will attempt to make your life easier (ie: helping with household chores while he is around WITHOUT ASKING.). He will deposit into your life rather than deduct.
- He wont pressure you to move faster than you're comfortable. Single/solo moms have complete control in their worlds- and although we may want to relinquish some of that control- it isnt something we are willing to hand over to the first Tom or Joe that shows up roses in hand without showing their capabilities.
- Connections: Physical, Emotional, Spiritual... : There are many layers to compatibility, connections and attraction. Do you have enough to satisfy your needs?
Don't be afraid to be picky! You have a second chance to get it right. Dont be hasty in your choice. Dont compromise out of desperation. Be patient and have confidence that YOU have something that is worth the complete package of personal compatibility that will last past the 'I Do', past the empty nest, and past the future grandkids.
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